-these are my views, not those of Project Trust-

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Finally leaving!

So, tomorrow I am leaving the UK for Guyana to  begin my year as a teacher. It's been quite a journey as I'm sure you've been able to tell by reading my blog over the past 8 months. The times spent on Coll, writing (literally) hundreds of letters and running fundraising events have been mentally draining, and although I can't pretend to have enjoyed every minute of it, it's all been important in helping me on my way and bringing about this moment - my last night in England for a year. The next time I sleep in my bed at home again will most likely be the 17th August 2014. 

It's an odd feeling as you spend your last 24 hours at home as you realise that everything you've always taken for granted is about to fly out of the window, and that you'll no longer be a simple text message away from everyone. From the moment I leave Georgetown, the capital of Guyana, for Shulinab in around 10 days from now, the best form of contact will be letter-writing, and letters aren't guaranteed to arrive at all. So you can probably understand that I'm currently feeling fairly apprehensive, although my overwhelming emotion is one of excitement.

My journey began with a talk from a Project Trust Returned Volunteer in school last September. Since then, many people have helped me and supported me along the way. Without them, I highly doubt that I would have been able to reach this point so successfully. First and foremost are my parents, who were invaluable at my fundraising events, as well as being my primary support. A massive thank you to all my friends, and everyone who came to an event and donated in one way or another.  The trust funds that donated money have enabled me to raise all the money - £5,400 initially appears to be a mountain of money to raise, but with their help it was possible. I won't list them on here as Project Trust ask us not to, so that future volunteers can find their own!

If anyone wants to write to me during the year (which would be hugely appreciated), I have put my contact details on facebook, or you can contact my parents.

Tomorrow I leave for Guyana, and begin what will be the most incredible year of my life.