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Monday, 22 April 2013

Wine Tasting

On Friday evening (the 19th) I/my parents/my uncle ran a wine tasting at my old primary school, which was a huge success. A massive thank you to my uncle Tim for taking the time out of his evening to help with this (for those of you who don't know, which is probably pretty much everyone who didn't go, he's chief buyer for The Wine Society, so knew what he was talking about).

The tasting was 'Old World vs New World' - a comparison of 8 wines, done in pairs and served by my parents, Seamus (thanks for agreeing to help out) and I. No prizes for guessing who served 'New World' wines and who served 'Old World' wines. Once the wine tasting was complete there was bread and wine and cheese and more wine and more cheese.... If anyone wants any cheese then let me know, there's plenty left. 

I hope everyone who came had a fantastic time, and once again thank you very much to Tim.